How to Choose Your Maid of Honor

The Maid of Honor at the wedding plays a very important role and is seen as the bride’s right hand. She’s one of the most important persons in the wedding party.

But a lot of women face the dilemma of who to pick as Maid of Honor, particularly if they have a lot of close friends. After all, it is hard to put one friend over another – and this could lead to hurt feelings when someone things she is the bride’s closest friend, yet another girl gets picked for the role.

A lot of brides also get confused, but here’s a handy guide in helping you choose your Maid of Honor.

Choose Your Closest Friends

The generally rule is that you pick your best friend – that’s a no-brainer if you only had one best friend. But if you have two or more, things get a bit complicated. If you can’t think about who among your best friends would best fit the role, how about you choose according to the length of friendship?

You might have a friend who has been your best friend since you were kids! That’s certainly a good pick, particularly if you remained close over the years and you even went as Maid of Honor to her wedding. Surely, she’s the perfect choice!

Choose Family

Think your besties might end up feeling hurt because you choose the other one instead of them, well you can solve that problem by picking your sister. Your friends would totally understand if you pick your sister over them, of course.

But the problem gets complicated if you have more than one sister! Uh oh. Still, usually among sisters you have one who is closer to you than the others.

Choose More Than One

While it is unconventional, you could have several Maids of Honor. After all, if you have several best friends and you think they’d all be hurt if they don’t get picked, them split the role among them.

Choose None

Or you can go the opposite route and choose none at all! Who said there should always be a Maid of Honor in weddings?

Choose a Guy

Oooops! A guy Maid of Honor? This complicates things even more, but if you are actually closer to your male bestie, why not choose him instead? The girls might understand you can’t choose among them.

Follow Your Heart

At the end of the day, this is your wedding. Choose the person you connect best with – or choose none at all. The people at your wedding party should be the ones you are connected most with; thus, pick that person you are closest to. Pick that person you know would be there for you just like your hubby, through thick or thin, through all the trials in your life.

And your friends should understand that you get to decide who will stand near you at the wedding – they’re your friends, after all. They surely know you and will understand your choice. You could always give them other roles in the entourage; they will surely love that!
