Modern-Day Couples Willingly Pay More in Planning Perfect Instagram Weddings

These days, there’s a lot of things going on social media – and you get to see old friends and acquaintances getting married, having babies, or traveling to some fancy destinations that’s on everyone’s bucket list.

But this culture that focuses on social media has put a pressure on many people to keep up with their friends and also get to post their own adventures and fantastic lives; this includes having Instagram-perfect weddings.

In fact, plenty of wedding coordinators noticed that couples willingly pay more in planning the perfect Instagram wedding. This also puts a pressure on them to perform better and create better designs for the Big Day.

In a survey by BBC, as many as 42% of couples admit to feeling pressured to have a social-media ready wedding.

Pros and Cons of Pinterest

But their drive to achieve that perfect “Instaworthy day” isn’t always expensive. While social-media pressure pushes everyone to pay more to get that perfect wedding, some wise couples turn to Pinterest to achieve that spectacular Big Day without the big expense.

A photoshoot could be very expensive, especially if you want to truly achieve the Instagram-perfect look but learning how to tweak the settings on your phone could save you a lot of money. Most people these days have high-end, flagship phones; use that to your advantage.

Many ideas can be found on Pinterest. Make use of these photos to create your own stunning weddings.

But Pinterest does not always make the wedding cheaper. Couples who don’t know how to DIY or aren’t artistic wouldn’t be able to achieve the beautiful stuff posted on Pinterest. This could either lead them to have drab décor on their wedding day or end up find the good stuff online and paying someone big money to do it for them.

Everyone I speak to says they want their wedding to be Instagrammable. I think it’s down to the pressure of social media which wasn’t around 20 years ago,” explained Sandi Chahal, owner of a party and accessories company.

Our customer base wants confetti that will photograph well and tassel garlands. They send images that they have found on Pinterest to show us exactly what they want.

After covering a lot of weddings, Georgia Rachel of Norfolk said that she noticed couples do want to have fun photos taken of their big day to show their friends and followers how happy they are; yet the happiest couples are the ones who don’t really care much about having Instaworthy photos.

Couples want photos that will trend, or at least get the likes they want,” she said. “The expense that comes with Instagram trends is what hurts a lot of couples. It’s expensive to jump on bandwagons and trends when it comes to styling,” Rachel explained.

In my experience, Instagram is causing couples to spend far more on their weddings than they ever would have done before social media. But weddings where the couple aren’t swayed by Instagram often end up being the most fun.

What’s their advice for couples? For these wedding suppliers, it’s difficult to insist on telling couples to just have fun because many would truly want to have photos to show on social media and later look back on as the years pass.

But if they had their way and if it were their own wedding, many of them agree that they wouldn’t focus too much on having the perfect Instagram wedding as long as they have fun…
