3 Wedding Day Mishaps and How to Avoid Them

No matter how meticulously and smoothly you planned out your wedding, something will go wrong. As Murphy’s Law says, anything that could go wrong could go wrong. So, we help you prepare for the inevitable as we listed down the common wedding day dilemma and recommended some course of action you might want to take if you want to avoid them.

Wedding Day Mishap No. 1: A Missing Supplier or Vendor

You do not want to miss your caterer and you certainly want to see your make-up artist on the time you need her. You do not want them to be going around the street, rounding up every corner looking for your venue.

wedding mishaps

How to avoid it

Make sure to give your vendors and other service providers the right address to your location. Give them a map, if you can, or even bring them to the exact place where you want your vendors to be during the wedding.

Wedding Day Mishap No. 2: The Wedding Dress That Just Won’t Zip Up

Oh, you have dreamt of wearing that dress long before you even met the love of your life. Now that you have the perfect opportunity to do so, the dress just won’t fit anymore.

wedding mishaps

How to avoid it

Time your fittings properly. The first fittings are usually done six weeks before the wedding day and the final fitting should be done one to two weeks before the big day. Be sure to bring accessories such as shoes and undergarments during fitting to get the accurate fit.

Wedding Day Mishap No. 3: The Lost Ring

It’s time to say your wedding vows and the priest asked for the rings so he can bless them. You look back and you see blank faces staring back at you. You look at your ring bearer, and there he is, staring straight back to you. You look around and there’s no ring in sight.

wedding mishaps

How to avoid it

Though the ring bearer should be ‘bearing the rings’, the responsibility of safekeeping it rests on the best man. Or, someone in the entourage, close enough to the altar, may also safe keep the ring and be able to hand it over to the couple when it is needed.
