Adorable Kid Interrupts Wedding with “I Need to Poo” Announcement

Most couples, but brides particularly, want to make sure that everything is perfect for their wedding. But even the most carefully laid out plans could have some unexpected surprises – especially when there are kids involved!

An adorable kid interrupted a wedding with an “I need to poo” announcement, leaving everyone in hysterics because it happened at just the ‘right’ moment when the bride and groom were exchanging their wedding vows! LOL.

Photo credit: YouTube / Hannah Grace Forrest

When Ben and Hannah Lienert got married, they wanted their 3-year-old son to be part of the ceremony as page boy. But they did not expect that they would be upstaged by their in a hilarious turn of events that got everyone laughing, even the minister.

Photo credit: YouTube / Hannah Grace Forrest

It was the big moment during the wedding when the bride and groom faced each other, holding hands as they prepared to exchange vows. But while the minister was talking to the two, their 3-year-old son tugged at his dad’s sleeve with a big announcement, “I need to poo!”

Photo credit: YouTube / Hannah Grace Forrest

With the guests so quiet as they waited for the couple to exchange vows, the boy’s words readily echoed through the venue and got everyone laughing. The minister even had a good laugh along with the rest of the crowd.

That is the definition of being upstaged,” the minister declared.

Thankfully, everyone thought it was really funny – even the bride and groom were laughing after being upstaged by the boy’s poo announcement. The kid’s aunt quickly whisked him away, but the camera follows them towards the building. LOL.

Photo credit: YouTube / Hannah Grace Forrest

Children and weddings don’t always mix, but they sure know how to make them memorable,” the video was captioned.

The bride later shared that the wedding had been “planned to a tee”, but she certainly did not expect that her son would actually take the limelight with his hilarious announcement.

I learned that children are unpredictable and the best laid plans don’t often work,” Hannah laughingly mused.

Photo credit: YouTube / Hannah Grace Forrest

And while the video was posted in 2015, it recently went viral again.

Watch it here:

What is the Meaning of “Upstage”?

Upstage is the verb that means drawing or diverting attention towards oneself despite not being the star of focus of the event.
