Bride-to-be Cancels Wedding After Guests Refused to Pay $1120

Brides have their dream wedding and to have that, she and her would-be-husband prepare for it, financially.

But it is a different story for this bride. ‘Susan’ took to Facebook how disappointed she was that her friends and family did not support her ‘dream blowout wedding’ and ‘to become a Kardashian for a day.’ As a result of not receiving support, she canceled her the wedding and ended her relationship with her longtime partner.

‘Susan’ started her lengthy post telling the story of how she and her partner met each other when they were still young. As their relationship grew deeper, they both worked hard for their dreams. Soon, ‘Susan’ gave birth to their first child. They continued working hard and saved money so they can become financially stable.

bride cancels wedding as guest refused to pay $1120

Photo credits: Daily Mail

After some time, they managed to save $CAD 15,000 ($11,200) for their wedding. They wanted an extravagant wedding, as their love story was like a fairy tale. They were looking for a venue when a local psychic told her to go with the most expensive options for their wedding. She said to herself, then, ‘why not?’.

bride cancels wedding as guest refused to pay $1120

Photo credits: Daily Mail

So, the expenses for her dream wedding—which included flights to Aruba—went up to $CAD 60,000 ($44,800.0 To be able to come up with such an amount, she decided to ask for a little help from family and friends.

They asked their wedding guests for a cash gift of around $CAD 1,500 ($1120) each. Her maid of honor pledged $CAD 5,000 ($3,700) while the family of her ex offered to contribute $CAD 3,000 ($2,200).

bride cancels wedding as guest refused to pay $1120

Photo credits: Daily Mail

She made it clear that if guests could not contribute, they are not invited to their exclusive wedding.

The bride-to-be went livid when only eight people replied to the RSVP and sent checks. The family of her ex-partner also took back their offer, as well as the maid-of-honor.

As it was only a month before the wedding and canceling everything will cost more than $CAD 5,000, they resent the invitations and asked people to donate any amount that they could.

The couple also set-up a GoFund Me campaign which only raised $250.

bride cancels wedding as guest refused to pay $1120

Photo credits: Daily Mail

The Last Straw

Her husband-to-be suggested for them to have a Vegas wedding, instead. ‘Susan’ said that she had a panic attack after hearing this suggestion. Her husband-to-be left her without apologizing.

She, then, called her maid-of-honor who told her that she is asking for way too much and that she should stick to her budget. ‘Susan’ did not like it and she hung up.

This was when things got worse. The bridesmaids also dissed her, and she thought that her ex cheated on her.

bride cancels wedding as guest refused to pay $1120

Photo credits: Daily Mail

At the end of her post, she said that she is exhausted and needs to get away from society. Furthermore, she added that she is living her life alone now as she only lets in those whom she believes has good intentions.

The post was up for only 15 minutes before ‘Susan’ took it down.
