8 Things You Don’t Have to Spend a Lot of Money for on Your Wedding

Weddings can be so expensive! Depending on what type of wedding you’re having, the location, and how many you’ve invited, your wedding can cost you hundreds of thousands of pesos, even more than a million!

But if you’re someone on a budget or a budget-savvy bride, you know that there are things that you don’t really have to spend a lot of money for on your wedding.

Wedding Singer

There are surely at least a handful of friends and family who love to sing at the karaoke and actually have a great voice! Chances are, they’d also welcome the chance to shine on your wedding day – and many would gladly do it for free. Lucky you!

Prenup Shoot

A lot of couples invest a lot on the prenup photoshoot, but remember that weddings in past decades didn’t have that! You can actually have a DIY photoshoot and that might still look fantastic. You can find lots of ideas on the internet.

Wedding Cake

Wedding cakes can be so expensive, especially the multi-tiered ones. One hack to keep that cheap is to order birthday cakes with your wedding motif, then you just find a topper that suits your style.

Bridal Car

Who says it has to be a car? There are lots of couples who simply made use of the transportation options they have and didn’t have to spend a lot of money on the bridal car.


A lot of couples prepare snacks aside from the wedding buffet, thinking that this could keep their guests entertained while they’re busy with the postnup photoshoot. Well, you can simply find other ways to keep them busy, such as having a photobooth.

Wedding Souvenirs

Speaking of a photobooth, this can actually hit many birds with one stone. You have something to keep guests busy and they can already have that as souvenirs. These days, a lot of couples no longer spend money on separate wedding souvenirs, except the ones they give to their ninongs and ninangs.

Wedding Invitations

Wedding invitations can be so expensive! But if you have a computer and printer at home, you can actually make your own for a much cheaper amount of money.

Wedding Shoes

Yes, wedding shoes are often highlighted in wedding photos and videos, but who cares really if you don’t spend a lot of money on shoes that you probably won’t be wearing after your wedding day, anyway?
