Airline Rescues Forgotten Bridesmaid’s Dress, Saves the Wedding

Anything can happen during a wedding. You can be as prepared as you can be but still can forget something so important, like a bridesmaid’s dress.

This is what happened to a woman who flew to Costa Rica to be a bridesmaid at a friend’s wedding.  Just when she arrived at the said country, she just realized that she forgot to bring her bridesmaid’s dress and left it at her hometown of Houston, Texas.

Worth a Try

Her friend back in Houston, Taylor Kenney, tweeted Southwest Airlines if they can put the dress on the next flight to Costa Rica. She explained that the dress would be worn by her friend who is going to be one of the bridesmaids to a wedding which will be held in the said country.

She used the hashtag #WorthATry and #BestCustomerService at the end of her tweet.

Indeed, miracles do happen as the airline responded to her tweet, saying, “We like where your head’s at.” The official Twitter account of Southwest Airlines then asked her to send the airlines a DM, or direct message, for the personal info of her friend.

Her next tweet came with a photograph of her friend, Rachel, dropping the red candy-striped dress off at William P. Hobby Airport. A member of the staff of Southwest Airlines was already there waiting and prepared for the ‘handing’off’ of the dress.

During the ‘handoff,’ both Taylor and Southwest Airlines were giving updates on the whereabouts of the dress.

In their tweet, Southwest Airlines gave a shout out to Rachel, the bridesmaid friend, who brought the dress at the Houston Hobby Airport.

A story worth following

The dress was carried in a flight which departed at 10:34 A.M. CST and scheduled to arrive in Costa Rica at 1:45 P.M. CST. Followers of the tweet exchange between Taylor and Southwest Airlines were able to track the dress.  Southwest Airlines said that their dispatchers added a unique tag to the plane transporting the dress in their system.

Twitter users can’t help but join in the tweet exchange. One user asked Taylor if her post worked. She, then, confirmed that the bridesmaid’s dress is flying out the following morning.

“Now that is some customer service,” Taylor said in her tweet.

Finally, the dress arrived in its destination and Southwest Airlines announced that Operation #RescueTheDress was complete.

The exchange of tweet between Taylor and Southwest Airlines has accrued almost two thousand likes and has been retweeted more than a hundred times.

When they saw Taylor’s tweet, Southwest Airlines said that they knew that they have to say yes to the bridesmaid’s dress. In a statement, the company further explained that their social team jumped into action. They immediately coordinated with the local Houston team to meet with Rachel and get the bridesmaid dress on time for its flight to Costa Rica.

Southwest Airlines added that the bridesmaid story has a happy ending and they were thrilled to play a part on it.

Customer service at its finest

One Twitter user expressed her love for the airlines as it always goes above with their customer service. On the other hand, one user expressed gratitude to Southwest for demonstrating their commitment to customer care. The appreciation was also extended to the employees who were part of the effort to help the bridesmaid in need.

Taylor receives admiration, too, from the enthusiastic Twitter users who said that she is an A+ friend.

Meanwhile, the choice of the bridesmaid’s dress ticked the curiosity of some Twitter users. One of them said that the red candy-striped dress is an interesting choice for a bridesmaid dress. It made them wonder what the wedding theme was.

Photo credits for the featured image: Southwest Airlines’ Twitter Account
