Bride Asks Guests to ‘Cover the Difference’ for Insufficient Wedding Cost Contribution

We are amazed when we see significant, glamorous weddings, as we know that quite a considerable amount of money was spent on such. And, guests enjoy such occasions. They will share the couple’s happiness as they all party, drink, and dine.

But, should they also ‘share’ the bill for the event?

Seyi Akiwowo recently went to Romania to attend a destination wedding of a co-worker. She had quite a story to tell about the said destination wedding, so she shared it on Twitter.

bride asks for wedding contribution

According to her Twitter post, her co-worker, the bride, requested for money instead of gifts in kind, as it would be difficult to transport these gifts back home.

When Seyi and her companion arrived in a village in Romania, they found themselves running out of cash after paying for their flight, the hotel, and for other expenses. There was no ATM in the area, and all they had are Euros which the local cabs refused to accept.

During the wedding, they gave all their remaining Euros in a collection envelope being passed around. In return, they received a gift bag. They did enjoy the wedding, nevertheless, and while on a flight back home, they thought about giving the couple a proper wedding gift.

bride asks for wedding contribution

Not enough

However, Seyi received a Facebook message from the bride saying that they did seem to enjoy the wedding, but it was not reflected on the amount of their contribution to the wedding cost.

Furthermore, the bride said that the 25 euros she received from Seyi and the five euros from her companion were not enough to cover the cost of the menu and drinks, not to mention the organizing costs and the ‘welcome packs.’

She added that the average contribution was 100 Euro per person, but 75 Euro is sufficient.

Finally, the message ended with the bride asking Seyi to make a bank transfer to the couple’s account for the difference in coverage for their menu and drinks, which is a minimum of $125 for her and her companion.
