Important Questions to Ask at Wedding Venue to Plan for a Resort or Destination Wedding

These days, a lot of couples choose to get married at a resort or some exotic destination instead of just doing it in church. But finding the right venue is important in achieving the wedding of your dreams.

So, here are some important questions to ask at the wedding venue as you plan for a resort or destination wedding.

What makes you the best choice for a dream wedding destination?

Let them list out the best facilities they could offer over their competition – and with pictures to match, if possible. This will give you an idea of what to expect for your wedding and whether the place would be ideal for what you have in mind.

Do you offer a wedding package?

While most hotels simply rent out their ballroom or grounds for a special event, there are resorts that actually offer their own wedding packages that come complete with décor, food for the reception, and rooms for dressing up and the honeymoon.

How many guests can the venue accommodate?

This is very important, especially if you are planning a big wedding. You don’t want your guests standing outside the venue, waiting for their turn to eat.

Is there a corkage fee? If yes, how much?

This could be included in the ‘hidden fees’, but make sure you know what you should expect to pay if you bring extra food or other items that the hotel actually charges for in corkage fees.

Is the venue available for the date I need?

Of course, it would be useless to plan the wedding at this venue if the place is already booked!

Will other events be entertained at the same date as the wedding?

While there are venues that are large enough to cater to several events at once, this could be a huge challenge if many would be held outdoors at the same time, with just a short distance from each other.

What are the rates for different days of the week?

Many hotels actually offer cheaper rates at certain days of the week, usually when it’s off peak. You can take advantage of this in planning your wedding.

How many hours are included in the standard rate and how much will the rate be per hour after the time is up?

It’s hard to tell how long the actual event might be, but many hotels offer a standard rate for a specific number of hours. You have to pay the hourly rate for the extension. Some even start counting the hours once the decorators begin setting up the place! Make sure you know this beforehand so you won’t end up being surprised by the huge bill you might receive for the venue.

What are the restrictions?

Make sure to ask this beforehand, rather than be shocked when the time comes.
