Wedding Planner Angrily Slams Parents of Kid Who Ruined Décor by Swinging on Them

Should kids be banned at weddings?

A wedding planner in Malaysia angrily slammed parents of a kid who ruined a lot of décor by swinging and tugging on them.

Photo credit: KL Wedding Ministry / Instagram

I still don’t understand how some parents will just let their kids run around and play freely. Places that they should play at, they don’t, but places that they should NOT play at, they do. I may not understand because I still don’t have any children but I have organized about 10 weddings in this hall with the same decorations,” shared the wedding planner, KL Wedding Ministry.

If incidents like this happen, who do we ask for compensation? In the end, people will put the blame on the wedding planners/decorators and say that the installation was not strong/stable enough, but if the kid swings on the rope until all the props fall then what do we do? Do we need to put in iron piles?

The wedding planner shared a photo of the kid, taken by another guest at the wedding. Wearing red, the kid was no identified by the wedding planner but the child, who appears to be a boy, could be seen tugging at the strings used at the hall.

There were adults looking on, but no one bothered to make the kids stop playing with the arches. His parents were also not identified in the post, but everyone knew they were busy at the wedding; possibly taking pictures and not really keeping track of their child.

Photo credit: KL Wedding Ministry / Instagram

The next thing they knew, the arches came crashing to the ground when the kid pulled the strings too hard.

Some netizens said that it was the wedding planner’s fault for not making the arches strong enough; however, other netizens came to their defense and said that wedding planners are not architects and could only do as much. Plus, the décor had been strong enough to work in the 10 other weddings; the only problem with this one is that the child was left to play with the décor.

Photo credit: KL Wedding Ministry / Instagram

Wedding Arches

Adding some arches easily upgrades the wedding design, particularly if flowers are added into the posts. While one big arch at the altar and another at the entrance would already be great, some planners even add more arches along the aisle for a better visual affect that makes the wedding look grander.
