10 Secrets a Wedding Planner Probably Wouldn’t Tell You

Planning a wedding can be stressful! But you don’t have to feel stressed out if you keep these things in mind; these are secrets that a wedding planner probably wouldn’t tell you, but they’ve learned this over the many years…

1. Be Practical

We all want to have the grandest wedding that money can buy but if you don’t have the money to spend on a grand wedding, don’t go broke trying to have one. Remember that you have to pay all the wedding vendors and suppliers, aside from spending on your clothes and honeymoon.

2. Be Nice!

Remember, kindness can go a long way! Don’t treat suppliers like they’re your slaves. A lot of vendors would willingly go beyond what you pay them for if you are nice to them – and you don’t even have to pay extra for those extra input; though it would also be great if you give them a good tip.

3. Be Responsible

Most vendors will make a contract and ask you to pay a specific amount at a set deadline. Make sure to pay up on schedule and to also prepare the balance payable after they rendered their services on your Big Day.

4. You Don’t Have to Splurge on the Gown


A lot of brides spend so much money on the gown that it could take as much as 20% of the wedding budget! These days, there are actually a lot of gorgeous gowns for rent that won’t cost a lot of money but still look great on you.

5. Complete the Big Details First

Many brides often pore on the small details like the floral arrangements on the table. Hammer out the big details first before spending time on those little things.

6. Don’t Tell Vendors You’re Getting Married

This won’t work with all vendors, of course, but many actually charge higher premiums for weddings. For example, wedding cakes often cost at least thrice the amount for the same cake size and style as regular cakes.

Here’s a tip I used at my own wedding: order the regular cakes, ask for white frosting, and let them add the flowers. You can add the wedding toppers later. It’s hard to believe but we only paid less than Php2,000 for that 5-cake setup by choosing birthday cakes instead of wedding cakes!

7. Organize Everything

Put everything into writing and make a checklist so you won’t forget anything! Keep track of contracts and deadlines. It’s good to put all your lists, receipts, contracts, etc. in one envelope.

8. Never Assume Anything

Don’t assume that your suppliers will know what to do or where to set up even if you don’t meet with them. Also, don’t assume your family and wedding party will be ready when you need them – better tell them what you want and give them an earlier call time. Warn everyone that the photoshoot and wedding ceremony will start even if they aren’t around yet.

9. Focus on Why You’re Getting Married

All the stresses of the wedding planning can put strain on relationships. You don’t want tears and stress on your Big Day! Focus on why you’re getting married and enjoy planning your wedding instead of stressing yourself out.

10. Invest in a Wedding Planner

If you want a worry-free wedding, it’s best to hire a wedding planner! While it could be a bit on the costly side, at least there’s an expert who will be there to help you out every step of the way – and you can focus more on having a good time and enjoying your wedding than worrying about what needs to be done next…
