Guest Ruins Official Wedding Photo with Her iPhone, Photographer’s Rant Goes Viral

In weddings these days, couples often hire professional photographers to record their Big Day. They actually pay a lot of money for the photographers, choosing the best ones their budget could pay for so that they are assured of getting the best photos. After all, you only get married once – and it would be great to have photos of the event to last a lifetime.

But many photographers these days face a lot of challenges, often in the form of ‘rivals’ in wedding guests who also take photos of the event using their smartphones. Often, these guests move closer to the bride and groom or towards the aisle to take the best shot – and this blocks the official photographer’s camera lens.

Hannah Mbalenhle Stanley of Hannah Way Photography recently shared a rant against the “girl with the iPhone” who ruined the wedding photo with her smartphone.

As the bride entered the church with her dad, the unnamed guest moved to the center of the aisle to take what she figured was the best angle for the picture. While she meant well, of course, and was surely excited to take a photo of the bride, it ruined the official photographer’s shot.

Photo credit: Hannah Mbalenhle Stanley

The photographer wrote on her Facebook page:

To the girl with the iPhone…

Not only did you ruin my shot, but you took this moment away from the groom, father of the bride, and the bride. What exactly do you plan on doing with that photo? Honestly. Are you going to print it out? Save it? Look at it everyday? No. You’re not.

But my bride would have printed this photo, looked at it often and reminisced over this moment as her dad walked her down the aisle on her wedding day. But instead, you wanted to take a photo with your phone, blocking my view, and taking a photo that you will not use.

She went on to tell all wedding guests in general to let the official photographers do their job so they won’t ruin important pictures of the Big Day for the bride and groom…

How to Find Best Wedding Photographer

These days, wedding coordinators will do that job for you as they often have photographers on their list of suppliers. But you can also find other options.

Word of mouth would be great, especially if you get recommendations from friends who tried the services of the photographer. You can also find photographers in your locality on Facebook or Google.

Just make sure to first check the photographer’s wedding portfolio before signing the deal.
