Unique Wedding Décor in Benguet Wedding Goes Viral, Uses Vegetables Instead of Flowers

Wedding decorations could be among the most expensive portion of the wedding, with flowers often taking a huge chunk of the budget. But flowers at weddings are common; in fact, they are expected!

So, a couple in Benguet decided to do something unique by using readily available vegetables instead of flowers to decorate the church and party venue at their wedding. The result? A fantastic, unique wedding décor that would soon go viral!

Photo credit: CF Appgel Molot / Facebook

Claver and Fleann Molot got married at the San Jose Parish Church in La Trinidad, Benguet last July 2019.

While there were some flowers included among the wedding décor, the vegetables really became the highlight of the wedding venue! Huge heads of cabbage and Chinese pechay form beautiful green bouquets at the altar.

Photo credit: CF Appgel Molot / Facebook

The aisle also had these green vegetables plus heads of broccoli and cauliflower. What made the wedding décor even more amazing is that the vegetables are so huge that they are a sight to behold! You can’t find many vegetables that size in the market away from Benguet.

Photo credit: CF Appgel Molot / Facebook

The couple revealed that it was their aunt’s idea to use the vegetables as decoration for their wedding.

Since they also liked the idea, they did not refuse; instead, they supported their aunt – and were quite happy that the resulting décor did not just look awesome, they were also able to save money on the decoration and they even became famous because of their unique wedding décor.

Photo credit: CF Appgel Molot / Facebook

What’s even more impressive is that after the wedding, the couple gave away the vegetables to their guests! So, everyone was able to enjoy the wedding and also bring home some of the beautiful and delicious décor. Now, that’s definitely the most ‘sulit’ wedding décor of all!

Photo credit: CF Appgel Molot / Facebook

Unique Ways to Decorate a Wedding Venue

While flowers are the most commonly used wedding décor, you can also choose things that are abundant in your area – just like the vegetables in this viral Benguet wedding. Aside from that, other unique ideas include:

Decorated wine crates

Buntings and party supplies

Paper lanterns

Fairy lights


Cloth and table runners

Chalk boards
