Woman Brags about Everyone Looking at Her During Wedding, Gets Slammed for White Dress

During a wedding, the center of attention should always be the couple, particularly the bride who is truly the star of the show! Thus, wearing a white dress or some other flamboyant costume that draws attention to yourself is a major no-no!

But one woman apparently thought that it’s great to take the attention from the bride – and even loved how everyone was looking at her during the wedding! Tsk. Tsk.

Photo credit: News AU

One woman bought a figure-hugging white dress from an online store, Shein. The dress is stylish and actually looks like a wedding gown; though it might be too simple for most ladies to pick as wedding gown. Still, the beautiful white dress looks like a wedding gown that any girl in her right mind should have known that it is something that one should not wear to someone else’s wedding!

Yet a girl was so excited by the sweet find and how the figure-hugging white dress fit perfectly on her body that she actually wore it to her friend’s wedding. She got a lot of attention in that white dress and later posted a positive review on the online store, praising the store for the beautiful dress.

Sharing a picture where she poses in front of an elaborate wall adorned with flowers, certainly made as the perfect backdrop for the wedding guests to take photos, the woman happily praised the store. But her review was met with displeasure on social media, with many netizens slamming her for trying (and possibly succeeding) in outshining the bride.

Perfect size. I like it so much and I (wore) this to join a wedding and everyone (kept) looking at me,” the unnamed woman wrote.

Photo credit: News AU

But netizens pointed out her mistake.

Of course they were looking at you love, you’re literally wearing a wedding dress to someone’s wedding!” someone wrote.

While honestly some people don’t know about the white rule (I didn’t until I was well into my 20s) but everyone should know not to wear an actual wedding dress to someone else’s wedding!” another chimed in.

Can You Wear a White Dress at a Wedding?

It is a general rule that guests should never wear a white dress to a wedding, unless the bride specifies that guests can do it! There are actually brides who enjoy letting other ladies take the limelight, but most would get angry if someone wears a white dress to the wedding.
